Masks and Exfoliants

Why use Exfoliants?
When you exfoliate your skin on a regular basis you will notice an improved complexion overall. When skin is exfoliated, dead skin cells are removed that have built up on the top layer of the skin (epidermis layer). These dead skin cells build up causing clogged pores, pimples and a dull complexion.

Exfoliation is important as it help prevent bacteria, sweat and dirt from getting stuck underneath the surface. It helps fade spots and scars, reduces redness and brightens and tightens the skin. Exfoliants should be gentle on skin, with natural ingredients that are beneficial to your health as well as your skin.

Face masks deliver ingredients deeper into the skin, helping to refine pores, increase hydration, diminish fine lines, firm skin and help smooth complexion leaving skin tighter and healthier. Clay masks also help reduce oiliness. Use masks 2 – 3 timer a week.

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